Monkey thieves also known as rebel monkeys, is a documentary series produced by NATIONAL GEOGRAPHYIC, examining the habits and social interactions is rhesus macaque in the city of india.
Spend about five minutes in most of city in India and you'll probably meet monkey hanging entrance to a food shop .

Northeast India. Monkey thieves follows a family of urban macaque within Jaipu's pink city and all the drama that comes from living close to humans. The series tells story "galata gang", a sixty-storage troop that lives in the Galta Tample a Hindu temple on the outskirts of Jaipur .
This bunch live in luxury because worshipers believe 
They personify HANUMAN, the cherished 'monkey god' who benished evil in indian epic RAMAYANA. Defending their prized home from invaders including neighbouring langur monkeys and outher troops of macaques, as well as exploring Jaipur in search of food and advanture, keeps this troop in action .


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